1st Birthday Theme

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Babies 1st Birthday

Ok, so babies birthday is in MAY...and people are asking me about her first birthday already. REALLY? Do I need to start planning now?
I know the FIRST YEAR is very important. Kaika told me that his grandma used to tell him the FIRST YEAR mark is very important because alot of babies dont make it through their first year, so you want to celebrate it when they do. I've never heard this before and I think it is great wisdom.
I am the WORST DECISION MAKER, so I will need help on choosing a theme
I really want to do one of the Sanrio characters, "KUROMI"..she is my fav character (actually the only one I like) Back in October, when i was supposed to make babies first Halloween costume, I had bought her this purple kuromi doll to go along with her costume (which i never got around to making). But I was thinking I could her 1st birthday theme this purple Kuromi. We already have purple table cloths that would go perfectly with it.
But then I saw this pink kuromi, which i fell in luv wit cuz of the flower and da bikini! So now I dont know which one to do.

And then theres the whole thing about it being BABIES party and NOT mine (because I AM the one who luvs kuromi) so I should choose a theme of something she likes...i.e.
"THE LITTLE EINSTEINS" (she luvs luvs luvs the theme song for lil einsteins"
"DESCPICABLE ME" (which she luvs, she jus sit there and jus watch it)
"PRINCESS" (im not too sure about this one, but isnt it the most typical theme for a girl)
"SHARK TALE" (which Kaika tells me she likes it, but I've never seen her watch it)
"ROCKSTAR" because I've noticed she loves music, she luvs watching me when i sing to her.
Or if there's any other theme suggestions please let me know.
So I am on my way to planning my daughters 1st birthday, lets hope i can keep the momentum going!

Please help Hehiwa with her 1st birthday by helping her mommy choose a theme. There is a poll at the top where you can vote for your FAV THEME


  1. oh goodness the dreaded, grand 1st birthday! im so glad i got that out of the way last year...talk about headache! haha but i LOVE the "lil rockstar" theme, i think that would be SOOOO cute and fun to decorate. good luck!!

  2. aahhh ya sisterr you gotta start plannin NOW cause it's a freakkin bitch but i say you do what SHE loves and not what YOU love hahaha jk but honestly she'll love it :)
